
Monday, 23 June 2014

Maui Awakening

I’m aroused by the caresses of a warm breeze,
the chorus of singing birds and sounds of palm fronds
rustling with the gentle sway of the tree’s trunks.
Hazily I rise, casting sight to the lushness of green foliage
framing the sea, set before a backdrop of mountains
pertaining to neighbouring islands, Lanai and Molokai.

Feeling uplifted, I speculate over the array of flora,
including delicately scented Plumeria, the colourful Hawaiian
native Hibiscus and red, ornamental ginger flowers.

As I inhale a long deep breath of temperate air,
I feel my face naturally soften to a half smile of
satisfaction akin to Buddha, when out of the blue
... a perky little bird enters my room.
Jauntily, he chirrups and hops all over my bed,
seemingly pleasured by my company,
before fluttering off into the azure sky, leaving me
with a heart full of love, peace and contentment.